One of the founding pillars of Kiss the Concrete is FAMILY. Whether by blood or connection, the company you keep is a direct reflection of who you are and who your're striving to be. Surround yourself with people who make you want to be better and inspire you like you do them. You can have all that you want in this world, but what is all of that without genuine people to share it with. No matter where this crazy journey takes us, we'll never stray from those we hold most dear. The following bands/individuals contribute heavily to the heart of this ragtag group and they will always be family to us. We are so proud of the family we have built and continue to build. We're quite sure you'll come to love them as much as we do. <3 -Nina
SHORT STORIES (Emotional Pop Punk from San Diego, CA) LINKS: FACEBOOK BANDCAMP FFO: The Starting Line, Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory
SCARLETT AVENUE (Indie Pop Punk from San Diego, CA) LINKS: FACEBOOK BANDCAMP FFO: Real Friends, The Wonder Years, Transit
HERE LIES THE HERO (Post Hardcore from San Diego, CA) LINKS: FACEBOOK YOUTUBE FFO: August Burns Red, Of Mice & Men, Saosin, From First to Last
SEARCH LIGHTS (Melodic Hardcore from Boise, ID) LINKS: FACEBOOK BANDCAMP FFO: Hundredth, Counterparts, It Prevails
CONVENT (Metal from San Diego, CA) LINKS: FACEBOOK REVERBNATION FFO: Whitechapel, Meshuggah, Devildriver
BEARING LOSS (Hardcore from Cheshire, England) LINKS: FACEBOOK BANDCAMP FFO: Terror, The Ghost Inside, Lionheart
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